
Meg Creates Some Front Yard Beauty w/ Hannah Seeds

Meg didn’t have to go far!

Her yard was the perfect spot for Hannah’s seeds. Meg says,

“I’ve always had a deep connection with nature, so when I found this project I instantly fell in love with it. I thought it was a beautiful way to honor Hannah’s memory and bring joy to everyone who sees the flowers! I planted the seeds in my front yard so anyone who visits or drives by can see them.”

Thanks Meg!

See more Hannah’s Seeds spots on the map HERE.



Hannah’s Seeds Scattered at Grave of Catherine Malatesta

Hannah’s Seeds scattered in Arlington, MA  at the grave of Catherine Malatesta, another teenager killed by sarcoma cancer in August 2015.  I hope Hannah’s seeds blossom into beautiful wildflowers around Catherine’s grave.  Catherine and Hannah seem like two peas in a pod.  God chooses the best to do his most important work.

Thank you for sending and for your beautiful note.


Jennifer Goodwin (Malatesta)

Click here to see Hannah’s map with more seeds scattered across the globe!
